An average guys movie criticism.

Stuff will be spelled incorrectly. Grammar will be poor. You wanna fight about it?!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Inception.. =0

We both took a vaca day today to spend sometime together. By 3:00 we were both bored out of our minds. So we decided to order a movie (directv, not blockbuster.. Same price, and we don't have to leave the house.)

My fiance remembered how this just came out, and how we both really wanted to see it. We wanted to go to the theaters to watch it, but didn't want to spend $20+ at the time.

Anyhow, I've been avoiding reading anything about this movie, I wanted to be surprised by the plot since I heard it was amazing. It did not disappoint. What a freaking amazing movie.

It can be a little difficult to follow at times. There's layers upon layers of stories all occurring at the same time. If you can follow it, you'll love it. It's one of those movies that's impossible to dislike. Honestly, if you don't like this movie, f**k you.

Score time. Story 5 points. Acting 2 points. Leonardo Defukkingcaprio 5 points.
So that's 12, yes, 12.. out of 10. GO WATCH THIS NOW.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Due Date

It's 6 pm and we are bored out of our minds. Its Thanksgiving evening, so you pretty much have 4 choices.
1. Watch football.
2. Eat left overs.
3. Go sit in line for a moderate deal tomorrow morning.
4. Go see a movie.

We went for option 4 obviously (Its kinda what the blogs about). Seeing as Due Date was the only thing out currently that peaked my interest, thats what we saw. Zach Bearded Dude usually makes a movie, and Rehab Downey has been really good as of late.

It's about Downey's character, and how he needs to get across country to witness the birth of his first child. I won't spoil it for you, but funny stuff happens.

Both characters are hilarious in very different ways. The story lives on the edge of unbelievability, but still manages to seem somewhat possible, all awhile being very funny. 

Score time. I'll give Zach and RDJR 2.5 points each. A K fucking P sighting a point. And the story 2.5. So that's 8.5 / 10. Enjoy the holiday.

Terriers... FX Network

The only reason we started watching Terriers on FX was because we got into Justified on FX. When I saw it was starting its first season I figured we'd give it a try.

From the very first episode, we were hooked. I don't know whats going on with FX, but they know how to make a compelling series.

Season 1's finale is next Wednesday at 10. I can't wait. It's one of those shows that bums you out when its over, because you know you have to wait a week to watch the next episode. It's that good!

Score. Characters are awesome! 4.75. Story is fantastic. 4.75. So thats 9.5 / 10.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blockbuster changes vent post.

Blockbuster... what is wrong with you?

We got movies Friday night (see below post) and while we're checking out I noticed a larger bill.

They took away $4 for 4 days, which wasn't too shabby, and added a dollar to it. Ok, prices go up, it sucks, but it happens. I can handle that I guess.

While walking out he says, "Your movies are due back Monday." Wait, isn't that only 3 days? "Ah ya, they lowered it from 4 days to 3."

WTF!! So your charging more, for less?! I'm contemplating changing the blog name to "THEY KNEW MY NAME AT BLOCKBUSTER." or to "THEY KNOW MY CARD NUMBER AT REDBOX."

Scott Pilgrim vs the World

We went to grab a movie Friday night. We came home with 2. Scott Pilgram vs the World, and *sigh*.. Sex in the City 2.

It ended up being a busy weekend so we didn't get around to watching one until sunday afternoon. We watched SPVTW.

SPVTW was great. I loved it. Its a movie that leans more on special effects than story. Which depending on how you look at it, isn't really a bad thing. Its a typical young love story (boooorrrriinggg). However, its the imagery that's makes it.

I'm going to keep this one simple. If you played a ton of SNES, you'll probably like the movie. If you don't know what SNES is (shame on you), you probably won't.

Score. I'll give the story a .3. The characters a 3. The imagery a 5.
So thats a 8.3 / 10.

Ps.. Effing blockbuster lowered the rental time for new releases from 4 days to 3. Which sucks. So we ran out of time to watch Sex in the City 2. I'm sooo bummed... WHY GOD WHY!?!


Friday, November 19, 2010

Pan's Labyrinth.... o.O

Today I conclude my 3 of 3 from tuesdays trip, with Pan's Labyrinth.

I have been hesitant to rent this one because its only available in Spanish. I've seen it on quite a few top whatever lists, but  you have to ask yourself, do I really feel like reading subtitles for 2 hours?

That's a toss up right there. I mean, its a great movie, but that's certainly a pain in the ass. Mr. del Toro, English is the language of the world, get with the program...

I don't think he's listening..

Ok, I'll get on with the actual review. It's a good movie. Maybe even a great movie. It's a typical Spanish fairy tale. Where in, the girl has 3 tasks to complete to receive a award. I'd never heard of this, but apparently its a common theme there.

It centers around a young girl, and her life. I don't want to spoil it for you, but her life sucks. She has an asshole nazi-ish step dad. He's a captain in the military, and they live in a small outpost in the woods. Its 1944, and her step dad's army is fighting a group of people from the woods. Not really sure what the war is, or why they are fighting, they don't really go into it. I've actually gone more into it with this paragraph than they do in the movie.

I won't go into the story of what happens. I've said too much already! It's a movie that you watch then you try to figure at wtf just happened. You will do more thinking about this movie than you did while you watched. ...Is it trying to interpret the afterlife?.. ...Is it a little girls dream?... ...Is it just a fairy tale for fairy tale's sake?...
It's all of these, but none of these. I dunno, its friggin weird.

I wish I could help you out more, but I just can't. You really have to watch it, and figure it out for yourself. You could ask 5 different people what happened and probably get 5 different answers. The only thing everyone would agree on is that it is a good movie. Weird huh?

Score time. I'll give the story 6.2 points on its own. Its a great story. The special effects don't give you the feel of overly done like alot of other new movies. I'll give them a 2.5.
It was overly gory, I'm giving that -1.7. It was too much. And I'll give the step dad's performance 1 point. He's was such a dick. Brb, gotta open the calculator.

Back.. that's a 8 / 10 for Pan's Labyrinth.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Taxi Driver... :)

Today I watched the 2nd of 3 movies I picked up yesterday.
Taxi Driver with DeNiro, Jodie Foster, Cybell Sheperd before she got manly, and even the grandpa from Everybody Loves Raymond.


The movie starts out normal enough. Just an average guy, with an average emo attitude. He hates his surrendings, hates the people in the city.. blah blah blah.. Not really the first time I've seen the story, its very similar to other movies in the genre.
The thing that sets this one apart from others is the direction, production, and the acting. It's awesome. You can't tell the whole movie wither DeNiro is crazy or just pissed off. He's plays the part so good. He's normal, he's crazy, he's happy, he's a nut job. Up to the very last minute of the movie when he looks into the rear view mirror, you never know what to think.

If you can put up with the constant horn in the background (that's eerie similar to a cheesy lifetime movie). Given this is set and filmed in the 70s, you pretty much expect that. Well that, bell bottoms, and crazy hair.
Also, wtf is with the blood in this movie? Was that seriously the best they could come with? It looks ridiculous. Like diluted red water.

You've got some kool-aid on your hand bro...

Ok, score time. DeNiro's performance was worth 5. Pre-manly Cybell Sheperd is worth 2. Underage ho Foster is worth 2. Cheesy constant lifetime horn costs them -.3. 
So thats a 8.7 / 10.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

There Will Be Blood.. Meh..

I went to Blockbuster today before work and picked up 3 movies. I recently went through's top 100 reviewed movies, and choose a few to watch. I went for movies that I didn't think my fiance would like, so I could watch them at work. Shh, don't tell anyone, I'm not actually training. Muhahahaha...

The first one I watched was There Will Be Blood.

This was one of those movies that you see when it comes out, and it looks good, but never get around to seeing it for whatever reason.

It starts out ridiculously slow. How slow was it? Umm... how about the fact that there wasn't a spoken word for the first 14 minutes! Now normally I would condemn it from the get go for that very reason, but there is noise. And the noise and music are probably the most important part of the movie.
As I said, the movie moves so slow. And at times it feels as if the only thing moving the movie forward is the use of tempo in the music. Without it the movie would come to a halt. And sometimes its almost as if the music moves faster than the action. That came off kinda odd.

The whole movie centers around a turn of the 1900's "oil man". Reason I call him an "oil man" is that DDL (Daniel Day-Lewis was wayyy to long to type over and over) says that about himself about 15 friggin times. "I'm an oil man... I'm an oil man..." Ok, we get it. GAWD.

Now to say DDL is a dick would be a understatement. He's that guy that actually enjoys making others miserable. We all know a guy like that.. This is the story of that guy with money and power. Sorta like this guy minus the politics.

Now I won't ruin the movie for you, so I won't go to deep into the story. Plus, there isn't much story to get into, since hardly anything happens

Here's the key points: DDL is a dick, and he's an "oil man".... Yep, thats about it. Oh, there's a creepy preacher guy, pictured here.

So score time. I'd give the sound/music a 4 (how often do you realize good sound during a movie?) I'll give DDL's performance a 3, and creepy preacher a .4. So thats 7.4 for TWBB.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You Don't Know Jack.... O.o

So with the recent lack of new decent movies coming out to video lately, the pickings have been slim.
We went to pick out something random, and this caught our eye. As you can see, this stars Al Pacino as Jack Kevorkian. Dr. Death. It's a hilarious comedic review on life and death... Umm ya.. thats a lie.
I gotta say its one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. You actually see yourself siding with the views of a guy that killed over 130 people. How often can you say that? (If its more than 1, you may need to talk to someone.)
Being a true story always adds gusto to the story. I dunno, knowing its true always makes it better in my opinion. This is no different. Even though this is a tough topic, it makes for a compelling story. You finish the movie with a better view on the subject, and for a true story what more could you ask for?
I enjoyed the movie, but its a slow moving. Some parts in the middle almost put me to sleep. It gave me the feel of a 90 minute movie stretched to 2 hours. 
Overall I would have to give the movie a 8 / 10. No jokes, but good movie.

Bonus pic:
(How can you make a post about Al Pacino without this??)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saint John of Las Vegas... :\

Well we went to blockbuster last night, but there wasn't anything new I was interested. There was Sex in the City 2, but luckily I dodged having to watch that for another week.

We picked up a movie that looked decent enough from the cover. Saint John of Las Vegas. It had Steve Buscemi, that little fellow who was a writer in Elf, the black guy from 40 Year Old Virgin, and Sarah Silvermen. (If I did look up there names, I would have to further explain who they were anyways, so I saved you some time. Your welcome.)

The back cover explains "..oddball characters and outrageous twists in one of the year's most hilarious and original comedies." Lies...
Yes, the characters are indeed odd. But they only seemed that way because, 1. Steve Buscemi is always odd. and 2. it was poorly written, so the people came off weird.
Well played writers... Your ability to cover up your shitty skills by saying they are "oddballs" was genius.

Putting that aside, the movie just wasn't very good. The story was weak, and the ending anticlimactic. 
You could just tell how low budget this movie must have been. It just could have been so much better. It had a few funny parts, but they were rare. The only thing I found entertaining was Buscemi. I could watch that guy wash his car and find it entertaining. It doesn't take much. Which just goes to show just how boring this movie was.

Anyhow, Buscemi is worth 3 points alone. The dwarf is typically good, so he's worth 1 point (but wasn't used enough in this.) And I'll give the story, umm .8.
So that's a 4.8 / 10.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Welcome to "They Know My Name at Blockbuster."

I spend way to much time (and money) at blockbuster. I'll do a review every now and then, and let you know what sucks, and whats awesome. I'll even be throwing in show reviews... Your welcome.
What to expect: Spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and the occasional pissy attitude. But always an honest review from they way I've seen it.
So enjoy the read!